Online Conferences

Saced Earth Activism hosts online conferences with a focus on sacred activism, bringing together a variety of speakers, teachers and people actively involved in change-movements, sharing their practices, concepts, experiences and wisdom teachings.

Our recent Online Conference for Visionaries, Activists and change-Makers

Co-Creating the Emerging World: Heart, Soul, Faith and Unity

20th-21st November 2021

Catch up on our inspiring autumn Online Conference where we bring together visionaries, activists and change-makers to share their wisdom and practice with us, to help inspire us in the many ways we can weave the sacred into the web of change movements.

Recordings of these talks are available to members

After the inspiring and highly praised weekend we shared together for our “Co-creating the Emerging World” Online Conference in March 2021, we were excited to hold our autumn conference, on 20th & 21st November 2021.

Our conferences are unique as we bring together amazing international speakers, visionaries and project leaders who are actively involved I the change-movement, grounded in their spirituality. This conference / gathering focused on Activists and Teachers with different spiritual / faiths backgrounds and how their spirituality / faith forms the basis of their earth activism.

All speakers / workshop leaders will make time to answer your questions.

Our Speakers


Dr Phil Lane - Indigenous Elder and Hereditary Chief of the Hinhan Wicasa and Deloria Tiospayes of the Ihanktonwan Dakota

Unity in Diversity in Transformational times: Experiences of an indigenous activist Elder

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Dr Shelley Ostroff - Co-initiator of the Global Alliance for a World Water Law

Water – The Medicine of Our Time

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John Perkins - Founder and Board of Pachamama Alliance & Dream Change, author of 10 bestselling books, Shamanic Teacher, Activist, Economist

Touching the Jaguar - Transforming our Fears into Action

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Satya Robyn - Buddhist Activist and Writer

A Year of Sitting with The Earth


Ian Bray - Quaker Climate and Peace Activist, XR co-founder

Exploring spirituality, faith and direct action

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Mumta Ito - Founder and CEO of Nature’s Rights

Nature's Rights - Change the Paradigm, Transform the System, Embody the Change


Annie Spencer - Ceremonialist and Shamanic Teacher, Rites of Passage, Wisdom Keeper and Elder

Opening Ceremony

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Ben Bowler - Founder of UNITY EART

The Becoming of UNITY EARTH


Skeena Rathor - Co-founder Extinction Rebellion and founder of Co-liberation, Sufi

The heart of the matter - Co-liberation

Chay Godfree - Founder of ‘Crops not Shops’ & Community Activist.

Taking back our power and creating resourced based economies


Jai Waters, Miriam Stone & Imogen May - HS2 Activists

Direct Actions of Love, Rage and Courage: Conversation with HS2 Rebel Women

Joshua Konkankoh - Founder of ‘Better World Cameroon’, the ‘Spirit of Ndanifor’ and the ‘Indigenous & Modern Project’.

African Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times


Sacred Earth Activism on YouTube

Watch our past talks, where we are joined by leaders in sacred activism from around the world for talks and workshops, sharing their visions, work and wisdom.

These include talks from our Online Conferences and from our Earth Talks talks and combine a talks and discussion with speakers from the forefront of sacred activism.

Past Conferences

Sacred Earth Activism: Co-creating the Emerging World

A conference for visionaries, activists and change-makers

We hosted our online teaching conference about Sacred Earth Activism on March 27th & 28th, with amazing international speakers, visionaries and activists. Bringing together activism with the spiritual, all contributing to these transformational times by sharing inspiration and teachings, through talks and workshops, as well as an opportunity to form activist communities.

Our speakers


Direct Communication with Nature Beings leads to Sacred Activism: Examples from Hawaii & The Sacred Isles

Elizabeth Jenkins - Hawaii


Uniting Shamanic Tribes to Shift our World: Fulfilling the Prophesy of Condor and Eagle

Itzhak Berry - USA


Sage against the Machine: The Trials and Tribulations of a Warrior-Princess in Training

Tiana Jacout - UK


Sacred Water, Sacred Lands: Rising up for Mother Earth and all her Children

Bruce Shillingsworth - Australia


Opening Ceremony & Talk:

RÛN  WITSU AN DIJAR - This Secret Knowing in Our Earth

Carolyn Hillyer - UK


Trespass and the politicisation of Sacred Ground

Nick Hayes - UK


Supporting Activist Movements Virtually & Globally: Standing Rock & Water for Life

Jim Graywolf Petruzzi- USA


We must Resist: An Earth Warrior Elder’s Experience of Frontline Camps

Indra Donfrancesco - UK


Nordic Totem Activism in a time of Cataclysm: Re-finding Kinship Ties with Nature 

Rune Hjarno Rasmussen - Denmark

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The Female of our Kind: Holy Earth Surface Walker, Life-Bringer, Life-Bearer, Standing with Life, as Life

Pat McCabe - USA Diné (Navajo)


For the Love of Earth: Walking our Talk

Nicola Peel - UK & Ecuador


Campfire Stories: Inspiring Change Through film

Mattias Olsson - Sweden